
查看 Net Gain Seller 提供的所有內容。



  • See your inventory and sales data at a glance.
  • Get key metrics such as listings, profit and loss, expenses, shipping costs, refunds, and more.
  • You can filter your Dashboard data by company, marketplace, and time frame.


  • Keep track of the entities you use to resell your items.
  • Typically, an account is the name of your company.
  • You can create multiple accounts if you have more than one company reselling items.
  • If you're selling items personally, you can create an account with your name.
  • You can run Reports for individual accounts or aggregated reports for multiple accounts.


  • The Inventory screen is where all of your listings are stored.
  • This includes listings of any status ("Donation", "Gift", "In Stock", "Refund", "Sold", "Throw Out").
  • Add new items to the Inventory screen as you source them.
  • Mark items as "Sold" when customers buy them.
  • Mark items as "Refund" if customers return them.

Inventory / Sources

  • Keep track of the places where you acquire your inventory (e.g. estate sales, garage sales, thrift stores, etc).
  • The data on this screen populates the "Source" column dropdown box on the Inventory screen.
  • You can use the default sources provided by Net Gain Seller or you can create your own.
  • You can run reports by individual sources or for all sources.

Inventory / Item Categories

  • Keep track of what kind of items are selling (e.g. books, glassware, art, etc).
  • The data on this screen populates the "Category" and "Subcategory" column dropdown boxes on the Inventory screen.
  • You can use the default item categories provided by Net Gain Seller or you can create your own.
  • This gives you complete control over how your items are categorized.

Inventory / Marketplaces

  • Keep track of the platforms you sell your items on (e.g. eBay, Etsy, Mercari, etc).
  • The data on this screen populates the "Marketplaces" column dropdown box on the Inventory screen.
  • You can add your own marketplaces if you sell places not already on the default list.
  • You can run reports by individual marketplaces or for all marketplaces.

Inventory / Sales Speed

  • The Sales Speed is shown for each item marked as "Sold" on the Inventory screen.
  • This helps you see-at-a-glance which items are fast and slow sellers.
  • For example, if an item sells on day 1 the Sales Speed is "Instant". If an item sells between day 1 and day 7 (one week) the Sales Speed is "Very Fast", and so on.
  • You can use the default Sales Speeds that come with Net Gain Seller or you can create your own.


  • Keep track of all the expenses for your reselling business such as cost of goods, shipping materials, and office supplies.
  • For example, if you sourced a first edition book to resell you could enter the expense using a Category of "Merchandise" and a Subcategory of "Books & Magazines".
  • Or, if you purchased bubble wrap for your mailings, you could enter the expense using a Category of "Other essentials" and a Subcategory of "Materials & Supplies".

Expenses / Expense Categories

  • Keep track of which items are your biggest expenses.
  • The data on this screen populates the "Category" and "Subcategory" column dropdown boxes on the Expenses screen.
  • You can use the default expense categories provided by Net Gain Seller or you can create your own.
  • This gives you full control over how your expenses are categorized.


  • Keep track of the miles you drive for your reselling business.
  • Record the information that's required to get a tax deduction for the miles you drive (if applicable in your country).
  • You can even record miles by vehicle name. This allows you to track miles per vehicle if you drive more than one vehicle for your business.

Mileage / Vehicles

  • Keep track of the vehicle(s) you drive for your reselling business.
  • This allows you to track your business mileage for specific vehicles you drive for your business.


  • Learn everything you need to know about your business.
  • See key metrics such as gross sales, expenses, net revenue, net profit, and more.
  • You can filter Reports by accounts, marketplace, and time frame.


  • Customize various App settings such as window size, font face, zoom level, etc.
  • Customize various Table settings such as table row height, active cell highlighting, status icon visibility, etc.
  • Customize Updates, Backup, Error Reporting settings and more!


  • See the current status of the Net Gain Seller screens that contain user input such as the Inventory and Expenses screens.
  • Be alerted to screens that contains errors that needs to be fixed.
  • For example, if you entered an incomplete record in the Inventory screen, an error status will be displayed for the Inventory screen until you complete that record.


  • See the current status of your subscription and your edition (e.g. "Personal Reseller", "Power Reseller", "Pro Reseller).
  • See the current version of the software. You can also check for a software update here.
  • Link to WealthTrek Software, LLC website and support page.


  • Help is context-sensitive and opens detailed information about the screen you're on.
  • Get help on screens such as Inventory, Expenses, Reports, and more.
  • Link to customer service and technical support. If you need us, we're here to help!