Get key metrics such as listings, profit and loss, expenses, shipping costs, refunds, and more.
You can filter your Dashboard data by company, marketplace, and time frame.
Keep track of the entities you use to resell your items.
Typically, an account is the name of your company.
You can create multiple accounts if you have more than one company reselling items.
If you're selling items personally, you can create an account with your name.
You can run Reports for individual accounts or aggregated reports for multiple accounts.
The Inventory screen is where all of your listings are stored.
This includes listings of any status ("Donation", "Gift", "In Stock", "Refund", "Sold", "Throw Out").
Add new items to the Inventory screen as you source them.
Mark items as "Sold" when customers buy them.
Mark items as "Refund" if customers return them.
Inventory / Sources
Keep track of the places where you acquire your inventory (e.g. estate sales, garage sales, thrift stores, etc).
The data on this screen populates the "Source" column dropdown box on the Inventory screen.
You can use the default sources provided by Net Gain Seller or you can create your own.
You can run reports by individual sources or for all sources.
Inventory / Item Categories
Keep track of what kind of items are selling (e.g. books, glassware, art, etc).
The data on this screen populates the "Category" and "Subcategory" column dropdown boxes on the Inventory screen.
You can use the default item categories provided by Net Gain Seller or you can create your own.
This gives you complete control over how your items are categorized.
Inventory / Marketplaces
Keep track of the platforms you sell your items on (e.g. eBay, Etsy, Mercari, etc).
The data on this screen populates the "Marketplaces" column dropdown box on the Inventory screen.
You can add your own marketplaces if you sell places not already on the default list.
You can run reports by individual marketplaces or for all marketplaces.
Inventory / Sales Speed
The Sales Speed is shown for each item marked as "Sold" on the Inventory screen.
This helps you see-at-a-glance which items are fast and slow sellers.
For example, if an item sells on day 1 the Sales Speed is "Instant". If an item sells between day 1 and day 7 (one week) the Sales Speed is "Very Fast", and so on.
You can use the default Sales Speeds that come with Net Gain Seller or you can create your own.
Keep track of all the expenses for your reselling business such as cost of goods, shipping materials, and office supplies.
For example, if you sourced a first edition book to resell you could enter the expense using a Category of "Merchandise" and a Subcategory of "Books & Magazines".
Or, if you purchased bubble wrap for your mailings, you could enter the expense using a Category of "Other essentials" and a Subcategory of "Materials & Supplies".
Expenses / Expense Categories
Keep track of which items are your biggest expenses.
The data on this screen populates the "Category" and "Subcategory" column dropdown boxes on the Expenses screen.
You can use the default expense categories provided by Net Gain Seller or you can create your own.
This gives you full control over how your expenses are categorized.
Keep track of the miles you drive for your reselling business.
Record the information that's required to get a tax deduction for the miles you drive (if applicable in your country).
You can even record miles by vehicle name. This allows you to track miles per vehicle if you drive more than one vehicle for your business.
Mileage / Vehicles
Keep track of the vehicle(s) you drive for your reselling business.
This allows you to track your business mileage for specific vehicles you drive for your business.
Learn everything you need to know about your business.
See key metrics such as gross sales, expenses, net revenue, net profit, and more.
You can filter Reports by accounts, marketplace, and time frame.
Customize various App settings such as window size, font face, zoom level, etc.
Customize various Table settings such as table row height, active cell highlighting, status icon visibility, etc.
Customize Updates, Backup, Error Reporting settings and more!
See the current status of the Net Gain Seller screens that contain user input such as the Inventory and Expenses screens.
Be alerted to screens that contains errors that needs to be fixed.
For example, if you entered an incomplete record in the Inventory screen, an error status will be displayed for the Inventory screen until you complete that record.
See the current status of your subscription and your edition (e.g. "Personal Reseller", "Power Reseller", "Pro Reseller).
See the current version of the software. You can also check for a software update here.
Link to WealthTrek Software, LLC website and support page.
Help is context-sensitive and opens detailed information about the screen you're on.
Get help on screens such as Inventory, Expenses, Reports, and more.
Link to customer service and technical support. If you need us, we're here to help!
WealthTrek Tips 簡報
Top 10 Tips To Increase Your Reseller Sales In 2025!
Top 10 Reseller Mistakes To Avoid In 2025!
此外,獲取有關如何使用 Net Gain Seller 跟踪您的庫存和銷售並讓您的生活更輕鬆的提示和技巧。